
Welcome to the Babisoft website

Here you will find some programs I've developed during the past years and that I'll hopefully continue to develop in years to come.

When I started to develop software and I began to distribute my programs online I was a university student so I had much time for my personal projects, but now I'm working full time as a software developer, and I'm also full time husband and full-full time father of two gorgeous daughters, so my free time has drastically reduced. 

Anyway I continue to write new software and to improve my old ones, because this is what I really like to do and what actually brought me into this business.

Now just a quick note on the site name "BABISOFT", please don't pronounce it as Babysoft, Babi has nothing to do with babies, but it's a dialect word that means toad, so now the site logo in explained too ;-).

If you're not sure how a real toad looks like check the photo below, it was taken near my town, so we can actually say it's a true "babi".

If you have any questions, suggestions or job offers (why not? ;-), don't hesitate to contact me.

Stefano Falda
