Fighting with Google Malware Reports

This is the second time in a few months, that I find myself fighting with Google that is reporting my site as a Malware vehicle.

I don't know why this happens always when I've just released a new version of my software programs (this time version 1.1 of BabiBooks) but that's it.

It was probably my fault, because I was experimenting with WordPress for the new site style, but after this episode, I've decided to stick to my previous choice of using a software editor that create a static version of the web pages, that should be less hackable than dynamic ones.

I use 'should' because I'm still not getting what was wrong with my WordPress site, that being experimental was located in a subfolder, it was using the latest WordPress release available, and yet it seems it was the cause of the problem.

Anyway I'm dumping RapidWeaver for Sandvox that seems to offer much more customization.

Update: I really don't know if it was WordPress or some other code in the site, but yesterday I manage to complete the site port to SandVox, so I deleted all the old pages and files, and finally today (6 december) the site is fully accessible without nasty warning. I'd just hope that Google would give more details about malware alert in your site.