Filler Touch

fillertouch-icon Filler Touch v 1.1
Filler Touch is a simple but very entertaining game for one or two players based on the classic Filler Game.
The gaming board is composed by hexagonal cells of 9 different colors and the final goal is to accumulate as many cells as possible.
The two players start at different point of the gaming board, Player 1 starts at the bottom-left corner, while Player 2 starts at the top-right corner.
At each turn a player can tap on one of the colored buttons at the top to choose a different color for its cells (any color except the opponent's one) and acquire all the adjacent cells of that color.
Two counters at the top of the screen show how many cells each player owns, the game ends when one of the two player has conquered half plus one of all the available cells.


Watch an introductory video about Filler Touch on YouTube!

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