ADSL Watch

ADSL Watch is a small Windows XP utility (but it should work with previous versions too) I developed to keep track of my ADSL connection time and cost.
ADSL Watch run in the system tray area and checks if an internet connection is active. When this happens it records the connection duration and then presents a monthly prospect of the internet connections and costs.
By default the connection cost is set to 1.5 eurocents a minute, but it can be customized.

ADSL Watch was developed expecially for Internet ADSL connections but it should work with any dial-up connection too...

Every program settings can be accessed by right-clicking on the ADSL Watch icon.
I strongly suggest that you check the "Execute at System startup" option so ADSL Watch will start with Windows.

ADSL Watch is distrubuted as a Freeware application, and is available in English or Italian.